Monday, January 26, 2009



i thin we as humans are a very selfish species. we want things to go our way and if for one second they dont go our way...all hell breaks loose. but have w ever really taken the time to step back and instead of fighitn for what we want,jus listen to what the next person is sayin?? that kind of communicatiob has got to b the most productive one because listening emphatically can help put you in someone else shoes and that way we all learn and get to understand more about others and importatnyl about ourselves. the problem with our communiaction is that we have so many prejudices and bias towards many people our base emotions all too often cloud the better judgement of our choices...thats why you get many different kinds of listeners like pseudolisteners,selective listeners and defensive listeners among others.

also often most people confuse listnein and hearin...the difference bein that when you listen to someone you're supposed to understand what they say,the importance of their message and respond in a way that benefits your communication...but all too often inmamny cases when our parebts lecture us,when havin a conversation with our partners,when in class....we hear but very rarely do we LISTEN. When it comes down to it,snt that why there's all this conflict in the world...i mean it all starts with the smalll things,you dont pay attention to your lover...the relationship falls to the wayside...then it gets bigger,its put on a much larger scale,people in position of power dont listen to the needs of the people,so we have war,we have economcal problems..and still they wont listen to the needs of listening im sure you can all see is quite essential to cmmunication...if not even the survival of the human more ways than one. balamanja sepiso made

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